Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Johns Island's The Villages

Because local residents and the county are committed to maintaining the rural feel of Johns Island new buyers are excited at the prospect of sharing the beauty of the place.

"The Villages in St. John’s Woods, located off Maybank Highway on Johns Island, last month started its third phase of residential development with 40 home lots available. A number of the Lakeside lots border a pond and wetlands. As with The Villages’ Parkside and Woodside neighborhoods, the two previous development phases, which are already built out and contain a total of 148 homes, Lakeside will feature sidewalks, a cul-de-sac and plenty of trees.

The Villages in St. John’s Woods includes wooded wetlands, a six-acre park, a community clubhouse, walking trails and tree-shaded streets. Developer Edward Pearlstine, who purchased the tract in 1996 and began developing The Villages in 2001, set out to maintain the rural quality of Johns Island, Westendorff said.

Preserving Johns Island’s rural flavor is in keeping with Charleston County’s Comprehensive Plan. The plan calls for maintaining the island’s farmland, forests, tidal marshes, wetlands and scenic roads, with development relegated mainly to the Maybank Highway corridor and River and Main roads."

For the full Charleston Regional Business Journal article:

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