Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Luxe (and lived-in) Life South of Broad

Ever wonder about the families who live in those gorgeous homes downtown . . .

"'This,' says Jenny of the three-story brick Georgian on South Battery, 'is my Father of the Bride house. I love that movie—my husband jokes that I watch it 10 times a year—and when I first saw this place, it had that same feeling. The way it’s oriented on the lot, the yard, the neighborhood….It was my dream house, and I could just see our kids running through it.'

And run through it they do. Though the part-time designer and full-time mom has filled the 70-year-old-plus house top to bottom with a showplace mix of antiques, haute lighting, French and Belgian imports, orchids, gilt-framed prints, and delicious fabrics, it’s a family home first and foremost. Telltale signs, like the climbing boards nailed to a sturdy front-yard tree and the fleet of bikes strewn across the lawn, underscore the point even from the curbside vantage."

For the full Charleston Home magazine article:

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