Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Is It a Beautiful Day In Your Neighborhood?

Especially in a neighborhood on the brink, so to speak, a neighborhood association can make all the difference. Just chatting with your next door neighbor about how things are going and how they might be improved is a start! Remember, united we stand, divided we fall . . . or at least divided we have to put up with all kinds of irritations!

"An effective neighborhood association can turn a not-so-attractive community into a place where buyers want to live. Here are some basic facts you should know if you'd like to form one:
  • Neighborhood associations are voluntary.

  • They don’t have any authority to mandate solutions, but they can work with residents and city departments to identify problems and fix them.

  • A neighborhood association must first have a vision, then it needs a leadership group that can reach consensus (not an easy goal).

  • The next step is to build positive relationships with its elected officials. Nothing carries as much political clout as a capacity crowd of registered voters at a neighborhood meeting around election time."

For the Realtor Magazine online article:

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