This is fantastic news for a lot of people! I have already begun calling all of my
first-time home buyers from earlier this year and am excited to work with more over the next year! It's nice to have such a warm reminder of why I love my job!

"President George W. Bush signed into law a bipartisan housing stimulus bill Wednesday that is expected to bring greater stability to housing markets nationwide. The bill, strongly supported by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, will help some 400,000 home owners refinance into affordable, government backed loans and offer a temporary first-time home buyer tax credit, which is expected to serve as an attractive incentive to buyers and help reduce high inventories of unsold homes.
The temporary first-time home buyer tax credit would offer $7,500 for the purchase of any home and can be used for purchases between April 9, 2008, and July 1, 2009. The bill — H.R. 3221, the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 — also includes reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, FHA modernization, and permanent increases in conforming and FHA loan limits.
'These are all designed to help the housing and mortgage industries and boost the U.S. economy,' NAR President Dick Gaylord said in a statement. We are pleased that the president and Congress worked together to enact meaningful legislation that protects and enables families in this country to continue to strive for and enjoy the dream of homeownership.'”
For the full Realtor magazine article:
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