So far so good seems to be the general feeling about the East Edisto development – a particularly encouraging sign, since the success or failure of this project could affect not only the immediate area, but the likelihood of similar collaborations in the future.
"Jesse Reynolds pointed at a map of 72,000 undeveloped acres owned by MeadWestvaco and traced a sharp curve in the Edisto River. 'We live right in here somewhere,' Reynolds said of his home on Croghan’s Bluff in Dorchester County. From his porch, which faces the Edisto, he can fish. 'We have nothing but marsh and trees behind us. Hopefully we have enough wetlands around us so we won’t have to see any houses. There aren’t too many places where you can go out on the porch at night and hear nothing but owls.'
Reynolds and his neighbor, Martin Karick, were among those attending MeadWestvaco’s most recent public meeting earlier this month on its plans to develop some of the former timberland the paper company owns along the eastern edge of the Edisto River.
The parcel straddles Charleston and Dorchester counties, and its future development would affect Ravenel, Ridgeville, Summerville, Givhans, Clubhouse and other neighborhoods and towns in the mostly rural area.
Reynolds and his neighbor, Martin Karick, were among those attending MeadWestvaco’s most recent public meeting earlier this month on its plans to develop some of the former timberland the paper company owns along the eastern edge of the Edisto River.
The parcel straddles Charleston and Dorchester counties, and its future development would affect Ravenel, Ridgeville, Summerville, Givhans, Clubhouse and other neighborhoods and towns in the mostly rural area.
In May, the company announced intentions to develop a long-term, comprehensive land-management strategy for the area, called East Edisto, that would include a conservation-driven master plan. The company has teamed with San Francisco-based EDAW Inc., a global master planning and design firm, along with other planning partners that will help address issues such as traffic, conservation, historical and cultural resources, public services and education.
The company has been gauging public opinion on its plans since June, when it began a series of public meetings to introduce its ideas and get a sense of what area residents would welcome as well as what they would not."
The company has been gauging public opinion on its plans since June, when it began a series of public meetings to introduce its ideas and get a sense of what area residents would welcome as well as what they would not."
For the full Charleston Regional Business Journal article: http://charlestonbusiness.com/pub/13_22/news/10684-1.html
For the East Edisto development website: http://www.eastedisto.com/
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