From the History of Thanksgiving website by the History Channel, which has great photos, text, video and even a copy of the 1728 proclamation establishing the national holiday: "Ever wonder what the pilgrims and their Native American guests really ate at the first feast? The truth may surprise you. Contrary to popular belief, they didn't sit down to a meal featuring turkey, corn, cranberries, and pumpkin pie (in fact, they didn't even have forks!). Travel back to Plymouth and discover some of the humble origins of Thanksgiving traditions we celebrate today and what the original celebration was actually like!"
From the Plimoth Plantation website: "Plimoth Plantation is Plymouth as it was in the 17th century: it is a centuries-old Wampanoag homesite, a welcoming bench covered in furs, bluefish roasting slowly over a bed of hot coals, and a man dressed in traditional deerskin clothing."
The White House Thanksgiving site complete with pictures of the annual pardoning of the turkey: http://www.whitehouse.gov/holiday/thanksgiving/2007/
And of course, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade website: http://www1.macys.com/campaign/parade/parade.jsp

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